ADHD Screening
Test for Adults
Free, online ADHD screening made easy
This clinically-validated1 ADHD screening tool provides a quick and reliable way to assess the severity of your self-reported ADHD symptoms. After answering a few questions you will be given a score between 0-100 which indicates the severity of ADHD symptoms based on the information provided.
This screening tool, which measures the severity of ADHD symptoms for adults, is a validated test that was developed by Adaptive Testing Technologies and has been leveraged by mental health professionals for years. We are thrilled to be able to offer it through our partnership with Adaptive Testing Technologies. For more information about this ADHD screening test and its scientific support, visit the Adaptive Testing Technologies website.
This Adaptive Testing Technologies ADHD screening tool and any results are offered for informational and educational purposes only and are NOT intended to be a substitute for medical advice, clinical diagnosis or treatment of any disease or other medical condition. If you are interested in a formal evaluation, talk to your healthcare provider.
1. The CAT-ADHD, part of the CAT-MH® suite of assessment tools, was validated against the KSADS in youth populations aged 7-17. The item bank was modified accordingly, for adult use, and has been a part of many NIMH-funded trials for adult populations.